About the hotel

The hotel’s rooms are located in the two buildings. Hotel Evrika has a large developed secure area with landscaped park and free parking. The hotel is located in the heart of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, but aside from the noisy streets.

Cafe Evrika specializes in European cuisine. Cafe is decorated in the classical style. The hall can seat up to 40 persons. Also there is a banquet room intended for 10 and 100 seats.

For business events in the Evrika Hotel there is a modern conference hall intended for up to 100 persons. The hall equipped for conferences, seminars and business meetings.

Saunas Evrika is a great place to spend your time with family or close friends.

Facilities – Wi-Fi Internet access, long-distance and international calls, railway and air ticket service, airport shuffle, taxi order, theatre, museum or exhibition centre tickets service, free registration of foreigners.

The room stock of the Evrika hotel

bed icon The room stock of the Evrika hotel is totally reconstructed and includes 63 rooms, exactly:
  • 4 single rooms,
  • 51 double rooms,
  • 7 suites,
  • 1 three-room suite.
hour icon

The payment hour at the Evrika hotel is 12.00 PM.

add icon

Additional payment for the accommodation of every additional person is 600 rubles for the rooms of all categories.

food icon

Breakfast (at the price of 200 rubles) may be included into the price of the room by request of the guest.

Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Rooms


Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Cafe

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home small

Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Conference-hall

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home small

Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Sauna

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Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Our park

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Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / Neighborhood

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Photo album - the Evrika Hotel / All Photos
